Introduction & Future Growth

History of The Korean Urological Oncology Society

[1988~1990] The 비뇨기암 연구회 (Urological Cancer Research Society) before the Establishment of the Korean Urological Oncology Society
The '비뇨기암 연구회 (Urological Cancer Research Society)' was formed in 1988 by young doctors who specialized in urological cancers for active discussions among members.
[1990] The Establishment of the Korean Urological Oncology Society
The Korean Urological Oncology Society was founded on October 19th, 1990. Doctors who minored in urological oncology came together, researched topics in urological oncology, and worked toward performing clinical demonstrations. Establishment of a society for doctors to continue academic research and activities became necessary, and this led to the establishment of the Korean Urological Oncology Society.
[1991] The First Step, the First Meeting and Conference
The first meeting and conference of the Korean Urological Oncology Society was on February 23rd, 1991 at Assembly Hall A at Seoul National University Hospital. The conference was attended by 93 members and had six lectures given on clinical demonstrations, four on basic research on urological oncology. This conference also included a special lecture by Professor Yong Sik Kim on "Cell Culture".
The 2nd Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 24th, 1991 at Pusan National University Hospital. There were 84 registered members of the Korean Urological Oncology Society at this time, and Sung Choon Lee was voted president-elect.
[1992] The Growth of the Korean Urological Oncology Society
The 3rd Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held in February 1992 at Allen Hall at Yonsei University. The 4th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 29th, 1992 at Dongdaegu Tourist Hotel.
[1993] The Development of a Simple Conference and becoming an Important Factor in Treatment
The 5th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on February 27th, 1993 at Hanyang University Seoul Hospital. The theme of the conference was "Consensus development conference for diagnosis and treatment in superficial bladder cancer".
The 6th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on September 18th, 1993 at Shingyang Park Hotel in Gwangju. There was a lecture on prostatic hypertrophy.
[1994] The Business Diversity of the Society
The 7th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 27th, 1994 at Naejang Mountain Tourist Hotel. The conference was based on various topics of prostate cancer.
[1995] First Urological Cancer Academic Award, and the Holding of a Scientific Conference
The first Urological Cancer Academic Award was first made at the executive committee meeting on June 21st, 1995 to promote better research on urological cancer. The goal of this award was to raise interest in urological cancer and promote and vitalize basic research on the topic. The interest and research would be the foundation to developing new methods of clinical diagnosis and treatments.
The 8th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 26th, 1995 at the auditorium at Samsung Hospital. There were special lectures from foreign guest speakers and a variety of topics including the topic of treatments of progressive urological cancers. The first urological cancer academic award was presented as well. Also, the articles of association concerning the presidency term were revised at this conference.
The executive committee meeting of 1995 was held on December 16th at Samsung Hospital. There were presentations and special lectures on bladder cancer.
[1996] Working toward Guidelines for Treatments of Prostatic Hypertrophy and Renaming the Korean Urological Oncology Society
The executive committee meeting of 1996 was held on April 27th at Gyeongju Education and Cultural Center. 154 members attended the conference and there was special clinical lecture called "Renal Cell Carcinoma" by Korea University College of Medicine, Duck Ki Yoon. There was also a discussion about renal cell carcinoma.
In 1996, an arrangement committee was established to make a guideline for treatment of prostatic hypertrophy. The first conference was held on June 28th, 1996 at Samsung Hospital (Members: Soo Eung Chai, Soo Bang Ryu, Jae Mann Song, Jin Han Yoon, Eun Sik Lee, Jeong Gu Lee, Tchun Yong Lee, Han Yong Choi, Sung Joon Hong).
The 9th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 24th, 1996 at Samsung Hospital. The theme of the conference was prostatic hypertrophy. The Korean Urological Oncology Society was renamed.
On November 18th, 1996, scholars including Leland Chung and Jonathan Simons gave special lectures at Samsung Hospital.
Another executive committee meeting was held on December 17th, 1996 at 서울중앙병원. The theme was "Infiltrating Bladder Cancer".
[1997] Publishing of the Guidelines for Treatments of Prostatic Hypertrophy
On March 3rd, 1997, the Guideline for Treatment of Prostatic Hypertrophy was published. An arrangement assembly was established to make rules for treatment of bladder tumors.
The executive committee meeting of 1997 was held on May 17th at Pusan National University. There were special lectures on prostate cancer and angiogenesis.
The 10th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 23rd, 1997 at Shilla Seoul Hotel. The conference was based on 비뇨기암에서의 암기초 and medicine treatment for prostate cancer.
[1998] Publishing of the Rules for Treatment of Bladder Tumors
The executive committee meeting of 1998 was held on April 25th at Haeundae Grand Hotel. The theme was "Superficial Bladder Cancer" and there were many discussions and lectures on various topics within the theme.
The Rules for Treatment of Bladder Tumors was published on June 1st, 1998.
The 11th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 29th, 1998 at the auditorium at Samsung Hospital. Lectures and presentations were given on various topics including immunotherapy of renal cell carcinoma and different types of cancer. Moon Soo Yoon was voted president-elect.
[1999] The Last Year of the 1900's
The Korean Urological Association Conference was held on August 21st, 1999 at Sangnam International House at Pusan National University. The conference was based on Urogential pathology.
The 12th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 28th, 1999 at Medical laboratory Grand Hall, 2F at the Catholic University of Korea. This conference can be seen to be the most diverse conference because it included topics such as clinical gene therapy.
[2000] A Difficult year in the Medical World, but a Footstep toward Improvement and Development, the Establishment of the Scientific Director System
The 13th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was scheduled to be in 2000, but it was not able to be held due to strike in healthcare.
[2001] A Collaborative Scientific Meeting with the Korean Prostate Society
The Collaborative Scientific Meeting with the Korean Prostate Society was held on February 18th, 2001 at the Clinical Laboratory Gran Hall, 2F at the Catholic University of Korea.
The 14th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 25th, 2001 at the Clinical Laboratory Gran Hall, 2F at the Catholic University of Korea. A total of three foreign speakers attended and presented at the conference.
[2002] The Society was Renamed, Five Sub-committees were Established
The 15th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held for two days on August 30-31st, 2002 at University Headquarter Conference Room at Pusan National University. The conference was about various topics. It was the first conference with a competing election and a secret ballot. Duck Ki Yoon was elected president.
The Korean Urological Oncology Society became the official name of the society on September 1st, 2002.
To improve and further develop the Korean Urological Oncology Society, five sub-committees were made: Scientific Committee: Director of Scientific Committee Sung Joon Hong, (2) Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief Eun Sik Lee, (3) 진료규약위원회 (위원장 송재만), (4) 비뇨기종양역학사업위원회 (위원장 김원재), (5) 대한의학회 준회원가입추진위원회 (위원장 최한용).
[2003] Publishing of the First Korean Urological Oncology Society Newsletter, First Conference with other Departments, 'Joint Tumor Conference' (Pathology, Radiology), Opening of the Korean Urological Oncology Society Homepage, Publishing of the Guidelines for 신암 진료
The "Seminars in Uro-Oncology" was combined to publish the Korean Urological Oncology Society Newsletter.
The Uro-oncology Session and Symposium III: Localized prostate cancer (English Symposium) was organized at the Korean Urological Association's Annual Conference at Gyeonggi Small and Medium Business Support Center on April 18th.
The first Joint Tumor Conference was held on May 31st at 4.18 기념관 at Korea University. It was successfully co-hosted with the Korean Society of Pathologists, the Korean Society of Radiological Science, and others.
The Korean Urological Oncology Society homepage opened on May 31st.
The 16th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 30th at Chonnam National University Medical School.
This conference consisted of morning sessions about PSA (the marker of prostate cancer), 'Special Invited Lecture' with two foreign speakers, Consensus Meeting about renal cell carcinoma, and discussions about testicular cancer cases.
The first 신암 진료지침 was published on October 1st.
Special lectures on '비뇨기종양에서의 대체의학의 역할' and prostate cancers were given at the 55th Annual Korean Urological Association Meeting (November 13th-15th).
[2004] Hosting the Special Symposium and Research Meeting, Publishing of the Guidelines for Treatments of Prostate Cancer
The 2004 Korean Urological Oncology Society Special Symposium was held on February 16th at Mariott Hotel Seoul.
The First Genito-Urinary Oncology Researcher Meeting was held on March 13th at the Seoul COEX Intercontinental Hotel.
The 2nd Joint Conference was held on April 3rd at 4.18 Memorial Hall at Korea University.
The Guidelines for Treatments of Prostate Cancer was published on April 28th (Chairman Jae Mann Song and others).
The 17th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on September 11th at Millennium Seoul Hilton Hotel.
[2005] Publishing of the Guidelines for Treatments of Bladder Cancer (An Update on Bladder Tumor Treatment Rules)
The 17th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on September 11th at Millennium Seoul Hilton Hotel.
The 3rd Joint Conference was held on April 2nd at Incheon Memorial at Korea University.
The 18th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on September 2-3rd at Shilla Seoul Hotel.
The Guidelines for Treatments of Bladder Cancer was published on October 1st (Chairman 김원재 and others).
[2006] Division of Roles in the Conference Planning Committee, General Affair Manager System Used, Revitalization of the Scientific Conference
The 4th Joint Conference was held on March 25th at Incheon Memorial at Korea University.
The 19th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on September 1-2nd at Hotel Inter-Burgo Daegu.
The committee was reorganized, the Scientific Conference was revitalized, and the all-member meeting was established.
The first Scientific Conference was held at Asan Medical Center on October 27th.
[2007] Publishing of the Guidelines for Testicular Cancer Treatments, the Korean Urological Oncology Society Member Meetings, Renaming the Joint Conference to the Multidisciplinary Conference
The Guidelines for Testicular Cancer Treatments was published in January (Chairman김원재).
The first Korean Urological Oncology Society Member Meeting was held at the meeting room at Seoul Station on February 3rd.
The second Scientific Conference was held at Pusan National University Hospital on February 9th.
The 5th Multidisciplinary Conference was held at Grand Hilton Hotel on March 31st.
The third Scientific Conference was held at Seoul National University Hospital on June 15th.
The second Korean Urological Oncology Society Member Meeting was held at Paradise Hotel Busan on July 7th.
The 20th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held on August 25th at Kim Koo Museum.
The 4th Scientific Conference was held at Severance Hospital on October 19th.
[2008] Publishing of the Revised Edition of 신암 진료지침 2, Hosting of the Multidisciplinary Conference with 'True Meaning', A Board of Directors
The revised edition of 신암 진료지침 2판 (Chairman Hanjong Ahn) was published in January.
The third Korean Urological Oncology Society Member Meeting was held at Grand Hyatt Hotel on February 23rd.
The 6th Multidisciplinary Conference was held at the auditorium at Samsung Hospital on March 14-15th.
The 5th Scientific Conference was held at Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital on April 18th.
The 6th Scientific Conference was held at Kyungpook National University Hospital on June 20th.
The 21st Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held at Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel on August 30th.
The new executive committee's first meeting was held at Hotel Rivera Yuseong on October 3rd.
The Korean Urological Oncology Society's first Board of Directors Meeting was held at Shilla Seoul Hotel on October 24th.
The second Board of Directors Meeting was held at the seminar room at Seoul Station on December 11th.
[2009] Publishing of the Revised Edition of the Guideline for Treatments of Prostate Cancer and the Proposal of Treatments for Prostate Cancer, Efforts Made to Join the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences
The revised edition of the Guideline for Treatments of Prostate Cancer was published in February (Chairman Hanjong Ahn).
The third Board of Directors Meeting was held at Hotel Rivera Yuseong on February 10th. It had a TFT for the making of the proposal of treatments for prostate cancer.
The 4th Board of Directors Meeting was held at the Business Center at Hotel Oakwood Premier on April 3rd.
The 7th Multidisciplinary Conference was held at Eunmyung Grand Hall at Severance Hospital on April 4th.
The 5th Board of Directors Meeting was held at Diamond Hall at Hotel Rivera Yuseong on May 29th. A business team was established with the goal to become a member of the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences.
The 6th Board of Directors Meeting was held at Hotel Inter-Burgo Daegu on August 28th.
The 22nd Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held at Hotel Inter-Burgo Daegu on August 30th.
The 7th Board of Directors Meeting was held at the conference room at Hotel Ibis Ambassador Myeongdong on October 13th.
The Prostate Consultation Guide Symposium was held at Sheraton Grande Walkerhill on October 31st.
[2010] Developing and Working towards the Top
Became a member of the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences.
The 8th Board of Directors Meeting was held at the Business Room at Hotel Ibis Ambassador Gangnam on January 8th.
The 9th Board of Directors Meeting was held at the conference room of the Korean Urological Oncology Society on March 9th.
[2011] Celebrating the 20th Birthday of the Korean Urological Oncology Society, Promoting Stability of the Society
The 3rd Board of Directors Meeting of the year was held at the Board Room at the Leadership Center at CJ Group on January 18th.
The 4th Board of Directors Meeting of the year was held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel on March 25th.
The 9th Multidisciplinary Conference was held at the Kim Koo Museum on March 26th.
The 5th Board of Directors Meeting of the year was held at the Sutene Room at Pfizer Tower on June 21st.
The 6th Board of Directors Meeting of the year was held at the Conference Room at Seoul Station on August 9th.
The 24th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held at the Kim Dae-jung Convention Center on August 27th.
The 10th Multidisciplinary Conference was held at the Kim Koo Museum on March 24th.
The 3rd revised edition of the Guidelines for Treatments of Kidney Cancer was published.
The 25th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held at Daejeon Convention Center on August 28th.
The Council Meeting after the election of PresidentHanjong Ahn was held at the Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas Hotel on August 28th.
The first Board of Directors Meeting was held on October 19th.
The second Board of Directors Meeting was held with the end of the year party on December 21st at the restaurant, China Table, in Yangjae.
The first issue of the Korean Urological Oncology Society Newsletter was published on January 11th.
The 11th Multidisciplinary Conference was held at New Millenium Hall at Konkuk University on March 30th.
The second Council Meeting was held at the New Millenium Hall VIP restaurant on March 30th.
The Scientific Conference begin to take place again after Hanjong Ahn took office.
The third Council Meeting was held on June 25th at Hotel Inter-Burgo Daegu.
The 26th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held at Hotel Inter-Burgo Daegu on August 21st.
The second Scientific Conference took place at the Oak Room at the Hotel Oakwood Premier on December 10th. The 4th Council Meeting took place with the end of the year party on the same day.
The 12th Multidisciplinary Conference took place at the 6th floor auditorium at Severance Hospital on March 29th.
The Council Meeting was held at Severance Hospital on March 29th.
The first Scientific Conference was held at Chung Ju Grand Hotel on May 9th and had discussions with Dr. Dae Jyung Kim of Eulji University as the moderator.
The second Scientific Conference was held at the Catholic University of Korea St. Mary's Hospital on July 18th.
The 27th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held at Medical laboratory Grand Hall, 2F Saemangeum Hall at Chonbuk National University Hospital on August 30th.
The 4th Joint Symposium with the Korean Endourological Society was held at Yonsei Wonju Campus on September 20th (15:00-18:30).
The third Scientific Conference was held with the end of the year party on December 9th at Jeil Bld.
The Korean Urological Oncology Society Newsletter was selected as candidated journal.
The 5th Joint Symposium with the Korean Endourological Society was held at the auditorium at Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital on January 24th.
The East Asia AZK Urologic Oncology Symposium was held at Diamond Hall at BW Premier Gangnam Hotel on March 27th, the day before MDC.
The 13th KUOS MDC (Multidisciplinary Conference) was held at the 6th floor auditorium at Asan Medical Center on March 28th.
The Korean Urological Oncology Society lectures were given at KUCE which was held at Busan Exhibition and Convention Center on April 11th.
The 5th Board of Directors Meeting was held at the conference room at Chonbuk National University on August 14th.
The Guidelines for신암, Bladder Cancer, and Prostate Cancer Treatment Committee Workshop was held at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital on August 28th.
The 28th Korean Urological Oncology Society Conference was held with the General Assembly at the Bio Complex at Cha University, School of Medicine on August 29th.
The Guidelines for Bladder Cancer Treatment Meeting was held at the Business Center at Plaza Hotel Seoul on October 23rd.
The 7th Board of Directors Meeting was held Plaza Hotel Seoul on October 23rd.
The 6th Joint Symposium with the Korean Endourological Society was held at Ajou University on October 24th.
The inaugural assembly of the Japanese Urological Oncology Society and the first Conference was held on October 31st-November 1st.
A planning session for the guidelines for Metastatic Prostate Cancer Treatment hosted by the Korean Association for Clinical Oncology was held at HJ Convention Center on November 19th.
The 12th Blue Ribbon Campaign was hosted by the Korean Urological Oncology Society and the Korean Urological Association.
The 2nd Scientific Conference was held with the end of the year party at the Jeil Pharmaceutical head office 12th floor auditorium on December 8th.
The 8th Board of Directors Meeting was held at Jeonju Byeokgye Garden on December 11th.
The first Scientific Conference of the year and the 9th Board of Directors meeting was held at the auditorium at Kyungpook National University Hospital on February 26th.
The East Asia Urologic Oncology Symposium was held at Courtyard by Marriott Seoul Pangyo on March 24-25th.
The 10th Board of Directors Meeting was held at the MoMo Room at Courtyard by Marriott Seoul Pangyo on March 26th from 7:00-8:30.
The 14th KUOS MDC (Multidisciplinary Conference) was held at the Bio Complex at Cha University, School of Medicine on March 26th from 8:30-17:40.
The Korean Urological Oncology Society Workshop was held at Kensington Resort on March 28-29th.